The Original Persimmon
- Original Persimmons are large, heart shaped fruits, ranging in colour from pale orange to deep red-orange
- Well known to older generations, Original Persimmons need to be harvested once fully mature and are ready for eating when the flesh is soft, jelly-like and very sweet. If this variety is eaten too early, the astringency will be unpleasant
The Sweet Persimmon
- Also known as the Fuyu Fruit
- The Sweet Persimmon is round, with a diameter of around 10cm. The fruit has a slightly flattened top that holds their green stem (calyx)
- They range in colour from pale orange to a deep red-orange
- Sweet Persimmons can be eaten when crisp and crunchy or when soft depending on consumer preference
- Sweet Persimmons peel is edible
- have been harvested in Australia since 1977